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Hey, Adriel - How did you become a business coach for Wedding Planners, a six-figure Wedding Planner and the owner of a tech company?


The Beginning 

Before I tell you anything, I want you to know this: I built a full-time {money making machine} wedding planning business in a new {to me!} city, with ZERO connections, zero investors, and zero reputation in the industry. If I can do it, you can too!

About Me: It’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment, and a resulting “compelling story”, that brought me to where I am today – coaching people like you on exactly what to do to juggle their time, energy and money to rock their wedding planning business and love their life at the same time. That defining moment in my life happened in 2010.

But even before we go back to 2010, let’s make a stop in 2015 because sometimes we don't recognize a defining moment while we are in it. My husband and I had quit our low-paying teaching jobs, packed up our two toddlers and moved from Ohio to Tennessee. We purchased a 1,300 square foot home that was really cute on the outside - but inside, it was falling apart. Literally - our bedroom ceiling collapsed on us at 4 a.m. I can’t make this stuff up. I tell you this so you don’t come in to this thinking “She’s always had it so good.”

The Struggle 

We loved the idea of starting over again in a new city - away from the gloomy cold and in a new place filled with opportunity. For us, that was Nashville. But here we were - broke and living in a house that was literally falling down around us, that we couldn't afford to fix, working LONG hours at multiple jobs/side hustles. No time or money to fix the house, no time for each other, and no time for our children.

I couldn't hold it together anymore. One night, on a car ride with my husband, I broke down.

Something had to give. I was giving every area of my life the bare minimum. The more I worked, the more agitated our home life became. When I cut back on work, the further we went into debt and the more agitated our home life became. I had burned out, and then lapped it a few times just to be sure I had really hit bottom. 

The Solution

I made a decision right then and there that I was going to figure out this whole “success thing”, this life and business thing, no matter what it took. At that very moment, I made a commitment to find a way: for my sanity, for my family and for our future. I immersed myself in absolutely everything that had to do with success: I got into the law of attraction and began reading books written by women who appeared to be leading the life I wanted. Within a few months, while sitting at one of my side hustles (after school tutoring - yuck.), wracking my brain, a business idea seemingly fell out of the sky into my lap. I launched my event planning company that day with a free website I pieced together in a few hours. I made it my mission to “make enough to help with the bills” so I could drop my other side jobs. (Hindsight, that’s a weak goal!) Within a few weeks, I came face-to-face with the naysayers that lit the fire and sky rocketed me to my own success.

In 9 months, I had gone from being money and time poor to replacing my teaching income (and all with my ONE side hustle income)! I STILL couldn’t break free from having two freaking jobs. I needed to really put myself out there and serve the world with my passion in a bigger way.

I did a little housekeeping on my own life and started teaching people (entrepreneur or not!) how they can do the same. I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping others who are ready to learn how to start and grow a business to be a rock solid contributing piece to their families.

Since then, I’ve worked with private clients and spoken in front of groups. I have lived my dream of traveling and earning an income (while I travel) on my own terms. I have created several very successful programs and I don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon! Come hang out with me!